
What is Summary?

A summary is a short, concise, and to-the-point description of a piece of writing. It can be used to provide a quick overview of the content of a document or to help readers understand what they are reading.

narrative web represents tiny, self-contained chunks of content together along with visual to make a complete tale. It is a visual form of showcasing the summary.


Imagine your friend notices you reading a novel and asks about the story. You would provide a story summary highlighting its main points to answer your friend.

The summary you provide to your friend will help them make an informed decision about whether or not they too might be interested in novels to read.


A summary is a short, objective assessment of a text’s main ideas and aspects that have one to three paragraphs or 100 to 300 words, depending on the original essay’s length, complexity, audience, and purpose.

Elements of a summary:

  • The author and title must be cited.
  • In some circumstances, it may give the publishing date or essay background.
  • Highlight the text’s key ideas.
  • A summary’s purpose is to reflect the core concepts while removing less important details accurately.
  • Quote keywords, phrases, or sentences.
  • Quote a few core points; paraphrase the rest (that is, express the ideas in your own words).
  • Do author tags.
  • (“According to deny” or “as deny explains”) to show you are paraphrasing the author’s opinions, not your own.
  • Avoid summarising particular examples or statistics unless they support the text’s point.
  • Objectivity is key.
  • Save your reactions for your reply.

Here is a general summary-writing procedure:

  • Take some time to read the article and take notes on its most important topics.
  • Reread and outline.
  • Write the text’s core idea.
  • Find the text’s major divisions.
  • Each section builds one of the primary points.
  • Try summarising in 1-2 sentences.
  • Now combine your summaries to create a condensed version of the text’s core themes.


In summary, accuracy and completeness are essential. You can use this checklist of questions to help you analyze your first drafts of a summary.

  • Is the summary succinct?
  • Is the summary unbiased, eliminating the writer’s opinions?
  • Does the summary cover different points proportionally?
  • Are the author’s thoughts rephrased in summary?
  • Does the summary employ attributive tags to show whose ideas are being presented?
  • How often does the summary quote from the original author?
  • How well will the summary be able to stand on its own?
  • Can readers find the source?

Writing Tips

  • The main goal of a summary is to “tell what the word says accurately and objectively.
  • Generally, you should not add your thoughts or ideas.
  • To summarise, you take the main points of a passage and put them in your own words.
  • Reread the course and write down a few essential words.
  • Say the central issue in your own words, and stay neutral.
  • Do not mix up what you think with what the summary says.
  • Compare what you wrote to the original.
  • Make sure you use all the punctuation.

Why is Summary Writing Important?

Writing brief summaries is an important skill for helping readers understand difficult subjects. It involves selecting the main idea and incorporating keywords to convey the most important information while avoiding unnecessary details.Summarizing is a valuable tool for students, researchers, and professionals who need to quickly grasp the key points of a text.

What are the Techniques for Summary Writing?

Effective summarizing requires specific techniques, such as identifying the main idea, using keywords, and avoiding personal opinions or new information not present in the original text. To summarize effectively, one must read the text carefully, identify the most important information, and condense it into a brief summary.

What are the Types of Summaries?

Abstracts, executive summaries, and book summaries are just a few examples of different kinds of summaries. Research publications’ abstracts are concise overviews or summaries that provide a general understanding of the study’s objectives, procedures, findings, and conclusions. Executive summaries are brief summaries of company reports that emphasize the most important conclusions and recommendations. Book summaries offer a concise overview of the key concepts and themes of a book.

What are Good Examples of Summaries?

In various fields like science, history, and literature, you can find numerous well-written summaries. For instance, consider the summary of Neil deGrasse Tyson’s book “Cosmic Queries,” which provides a broad understanding of what we have discovered about our place in the universe and caters to a largely nonscientific readership. Another example is a summary of “Learning to Lead for Transformation,” which introduces historical key theories, themes, and concepts of infancy and their care.

What are Common Mistakes to Avoid When Summarizing?

Common mistakes to avoid when summarizing include including personal opinions or adding new information not present in the original text. A summary should only include the most important information from the original text and should not include any additional information or personal opinions.

Practice Exercises for Readers to Hone Their Summarizing Skills

To hone summarizing skills, readers can practice by reading a text and writing a summary that includes only the most important information. They can then compare their summary to the original text to see if they have captured all the key points. Follow our blog articles on home page to see the summary example of long articles

The Art of Summarizing for Different Audiences

Summarizing can be tailored for different audiences, such as academic researchers or general readers. For academic researchers, summaries may need to be more technical and detailed, while for general readers, they may need to be more accessible and engaging.

How to Summarize Different Types of Content

Different types of content, such as videos, podcasts, or social media posts, can also be effectively summarized by identifying the main idea and using keywords to convey the most important information.

Discuss Ethical Considerations Involved in Summarizing Someone Else’s Work

When summarizing someone else’s work, it is important to avoid plagiarism or misrepresentation by accurately representing their ideas and giving proper credit. It is also important to consider ethical considerations, such as copyright laws and fair use policies.

What are the benefits of summary writing for educational blogs

For educational blogging, summarising has a number of advantages, including:

Writing skills: By teaching bloggers how to write succinctly and efficiently, summary writing can help bloggers write more effectively.

Writing summaries necessitates carefully reading and comprehending the subject matter, which can help bloggers read more comprehension-improvingly.

Saving time: By summarising, bloggers can transmit information to readers in less time, which is helpful for time-pressed readers.

Increasing reader engagement: Because summaries give readers a rapid rundown of the key topics, they might be more engaging than lengthier publications.

Writing summaries forces bloggers to recognise the key points and supporting evidence of a piece of writing, which can help develop critical thinking abilities.

Informational value: Summaries can give readers insightful information on a variety of subjects, making educational blogs an excellent resource for readers.

Collaboration: Since readers and bloggers can exchange opinions on summaries, blogging about them can promote interaction between them.

Overall, summaries are a useful tool for educational blogs because they can help bloggers develop their writing abilities, improve reading comprehension, save time, raise engagement, inspire critical thinking, provide insightful information, and promote collaboration.

How can summary writing benefit students in other subjects besides writing?

Students who study disciplines other than writing can benefit from summary writing in a number of ways:

Writing summaries forces students to read and comprehend the subject matter in-depth, which helps enhance their reading comprehension abilities.

Writing summaries forces students to recognise the key points and supporting evidence of a piece of writing, which helps improve critical thinking abilities.

Writing summaries can encourage higher-order thinking abilities like analysis and assessment since students must decide which information is most crucial.

Writing summaries can assist students in transferring information between disciplines by highlighting the key concepts and ideas that are applicable to both.

Saving time: Summarising enables students to communicate material in less time, which is advantageous for studying and passing tests.

Increasing engagement: Since summaries give students a rapid rundown of the key ideas, they might be more interesting to read than lengthy publications.

Collaboration can be improved by summarising since it allows students to express their opinions and ideas about the subject matter.

Overall, summary writing is a useful tool for students in areas other than writing since it can enhance their abilities in cooperation, time management, critical thinking, higher-order thinking, and reading comprehension.

How can summary writing be used to improve reading comprehension in students?

Students’ reading comprehension can be enhanced by summary writing in the following ways:

Students are more likely to read actively and focus more intently on the subject when they are aware that they will be summarising what they read.

assisting kids in locating essential ideas Students’ ability to distinguish between primary ideas and supporting details when reading can be enhanced by having them summarise a text.

Enhancing retention: By making students digest and simplify the information they have read, summarising can help students recall what they have read.

Writing summaries forces students to assess and analyse data, which can help them develop their critical thinking abilities.

Feedback: Summarising can give teachers insight into how well their students have understood the subject, enabling them to modify their instruction.

Writing summaries can help students improve their writing abilities by teaching them how to write clearly and simply.

Overall, summary writing is a useful strategy for increasing students’ reading comprehension since it promotes active reading, aids in identifying important concepts, boosts retention, develops writing abilities, and fosters critical thinking.

What are some specific reading skills that summary writing can help improve in students?

Summary writing can help improve the following specific reading skills in students:

  1. Active reading: When students know they will be summarizing what they read, they are more likely to read actively and pay closer attention to the material.
  2. Identifying main ideas: Writing a summary requires students to identify the main ideas and arguments of a piece of writing, which can improve their ability to identify main ideas when reading.
  3. Comprehension: Summarizing can help students remember what they have read by forcing them to process and condense the information, which can improve their comprehension.
  4. Critical thinking: Writing summaries requires students to analyze and evaluate information, which can enhance their critical thinking skills.
  5. Genre awareness: Structuring reading and writing assignments using rhetorical elements can help students become more effective writers and improve their understanding of course content.
  6. Cognitive strategy: Using cognitive strategies such as graphic organizers can help students comprehend a text at a higher level than when they are simply reading it.
  7. Translation skills: Writing summaries of short stories can help EFL learners develop their writing skills and improve their translation skills.

Overall, summary writing is a valuable tool for improving various reading skills in students, including active reading, identifying main ideas, comprehension, critical thinking, genre awareness, cognitive strategy, and translation skills.

How can summary writing help students improve their critical thinking skills?

Students can develop their critical thinking abilities in the following ways using summary writing:

Analysing and evaluating material is a requirement for writing summaries, which can help students develop their critical thinking abilities.

Making decisions: Students must decide on the relative relevance of textual components in order to summarise it, which might help them become better decision-makers.

In order to summarise a text, students must understand it more thoroughly than when they are just reading it. This can help them develop their comprehension and critical thinking abilities.
Genre awareness: Using rhetorical devices to structure reading and writing assignments can help students write better and understand the course material, both of which can improve their critical thinking abilities.

Cognitive strategy: Students can understand a material at a deeper level than when they are only reading it by using cognitive strategies like graphic organisers, which can enhance their critical thinking abilities.
Collaboration: Students can learn from one another, become more conscious of summary writing, and hone their skills in summary writing, all of which can improve their critical thinking abilities.
Overall, as it necessitates analysis and evaluation, decision-making, comprehension, genre awareness, cognitive strategy, and teamwork, summary writing is a useful tool for enhancing students’ critical thinking abilities.


What does an essay summary mean?

A summary is a short paraphrase of an essay’s main points.

Which is the best definition of summary?

A summary is a brief statement or restatement of main points, especially as a conclusion to a work: a summary of a chapter.

Can summary be written in points?

A summary should remember the primary concerns in general or thoughts for the work; however, stay away from more modest subtleties or thoughts. In your summary, you would instead not give each part of the plot or more modest focus. Your synopsis ought to be composed utilizing your own words.

Can summary have paragraphs?

Summary is a sum up of text or a long story. It can be one sentence or a whole paper, depending on how long and complex the original thing is and where you want to use it.