The Most Mind-Blowing Facts About Passing Nella Larsen Summary

we’re discussing “Passing” by Nella Larsen. It’s a story about Americans during the Jim Crow era, when racism was a big problem. Some people handled it better than others.


I’m gonna point out if you’re one of those people that has the pet peeve where you don’t like the movie cover of a book you want the penguin original version you might want to pick up the book to know the story better.

We will be know more about Book Summary, Analysis, Review of passing by nella Larsen written in 1929 a very interesting piece to read ahead.

Racial Passing occurs when a person classified as a member of one racial group is accepted as a member of a racial group other than their own. Historically, the term has been used primarily in the United States to describe a person of color or multiracial ancestry who has assimilated into the white majority.

The reason for choosing this racial passing is something that’s very interesting racial passing is when a minority individual tries to pass as what would be the majority race of a region particularly the Jim Crow era it became more difficult to just look at visually at someone and understand but racial identity is still very important for a lot of individuals today.

Double consciousness is a concept that Dubois first explores in 1903 publication, The souls of black Flock”. Double consciousness describes the individual sensation of feeling as through your identity is divided into several parts, making it difficult or impossible to have one unified identity.

double consciousness when you struggle with the idea of how you react in one way and react in the other and are torn between sides.

Theme: Passing Nella Larsen Summary

A strong sense of self in today’s age I wanted to really kind of explore that with this

you’ve got people that refuse to pass their light-skinned enough that you wouldn’t know whether they had black heritage and them or they were a hundred percent white in the Jim Crow era particularly with how racist a lot of America be particularly in the south if

you had even just an ounce of black in your body you are considered a black person as opposed to a white person and also I want to point out in this text you’ll see that any G ro word black and the usage of the n-word flipped in okay kind of during the civil rights era

where the n-word more like acceptable back then and and you saying the word black back then was really offensive so so kind of flipped if you’re kind of curious as to why why

they just drop those words in this book first of all I kind of wanted to point that out but when some people refused to pass they kind of embrace their own racial identity some pass only when it’s convenient and some try to completely repudiate their racial background and try to pass permanently as a part of the dominant race the white culture.

my initial reactions is I absolutely loved this book I thought it was a really enjoyable read there were some scenes that were just so vivid I want to compare it to inglorious Beep.there are some scenes there in the basement or the opening scene with Christopher waltz you get that level of intensity in the first kind of major plot point.

I kind of want to supply you with maybe a couple of that maybe maybe open your eyes a little bit to that in the beginning you’re kind of just looking at characters what is this character what is this character think and I think Noah Larson did a really good job. With this book with making it so that the characters represent themes.

Jim Crow laws were in effect here things were not equal the black community was not aallowed to use a lot of the services that the white community who did there’s this was segregation era.

Lets talk about or potentially interpret this piece why does Irene struggle with trying to use cabs why was she so nervous going to this fancy restaurant in the beginning it’s because in her blood she had some black heritage which means any black heritage some White’s considered you 100% black at that point in time and viewed you as a lesser person horrible.

I know right so if she were discovered she would potentially be kicked out of using what would be considered in terms of in this era of segregation a white only service or community aspect so as she’s passing as Irene struggles with using the cab and has all these fears as she’s in this restaurant someone recognizes her and she starts to fear that she’ll be ousted as passing so you’ll notice that this point Irene is passing in your mind irene thinks it’s okay to pass at this point in time right what she learns is this person that discovers her is her old childhood friend Claire who was also passing and what we learn is so clear kind of invites her eye beam to go to her party later on and this is kind of the first major plot point which you realize is a trapped plot point for Claire is that her husband even know she’s passing her husband is white and doesn’t know that that Claire has some black background in her racial identity in this part where they’re meeting the husband and you find out that the Raisman is blatantly racist.

This is what the story all about You must read before you watch this as a movie!


If you don’t like the movie cover of a book and you want the penguin original version, you should pick up the book to know the story better. The Book is named passing Nella Larsen Individuals who like serious topics will like this book. It was a fun read, and some of the scenes were really vivid. This book is about a woman who moves to a new city and starts to learn more about herself and her identity. When a minority individual tries to pass as what would be the majority race of a region, the story is all about racial passing.

The book highlights Segregation was a time when white people and black people were not allowed to use the same services. Black people were not allowed to use a lot of the services that white people could use in the 1920’s Era in America.

In the story, “Irene” is a BLACK WOMAN who is pretending to be white in order to get access to better services.This is what the story is all about You must read it in full before you watch this as a movie by name of “Passing”

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