How old is Marie Forleo Youtube Channel: Videos short explanations

Marie Forleo a life coach and business strategist who helps people create a business and life they love. Stay updated with short Summaries from her youtube videos on this blog.

How Old is Marie Forleo Youtube Channel
How Old is Marie Forleo Youtube Channel


Marie Forleo, hailed by Oprah as a thought leader for the next generation, is dedicated to helping you succeed in life and business. With her #1 New York Times bestseller, “Everything is Figureoutable,” she teaches you to think creatively and positively in the face of obstacles. MarieTV, her award-winning online show, helps you reach your potential and utilize your unique talents to make a difference. She’s a proud member of Inc’s 500 fastest-growing companies and offers online training programs to people around the world. Her work has touched readers in over 195 countries and over 80,000 entrepreneurs have benefited from her online business school, B-School. As seen in Entrepreneur Magazine, Fast Company,, and The New York Times, Marie Forleo is the go-to person to turn your dreams into reality.

She started her youtube channel on Joined May 28, 2008 

Smarter way to keep you up to date, this blog will provide you with the critical takeaways / summary from videos below:


Video 1

Is it Too late to be successful? Here’s is the truth

Discover the truth about achieving success in life. Feeling behind  

Learn the truth about achieving success in life with Marie Forleo’s YouTube video. Discover why it’s never too late to pursue your dreams.

Is it Too late to be successful? Here’s is the truth

Video Duration: 8 Minutes

Summary: What Marie Forleo Discussed

The Truth about Success: Is it Possible to Achieve it Later in Life? 

  • Farrah, a 46-year-old woman, is concerned she’s too old to pursue her creative ideas, and she’ll never achieve what she wants to do.
  • However, Marie explains that age is not a barrier to success and that there are decades of possibility and creation still ahead of her.
  • To deal with the fear that life has passed her by, Marie advises Farrah to write down all of her creative ideas so that she can look at them objectively in one place, and she can focus on what’s most important to her.
  • Marie suggests that Farrah needs to get real with herself and decide what is the single most important project she wants to focus on this year, by tapping into her heart and clarifying her priorities.

Video 2

Hate Deadlines? Use This Strategy to Set a Realistic Timeline for Your #1 Goal

Opt out of “time stress” and enroll in Time Genius now!

Learn how to set realistic timelines and actually enjoy deadlines instead of dreading them with Marie Forleo episode.

Hate Deadlines? Use This Strategy to Set a Realistic Timeline for Your #1 Goal

Video Duration: 7 Minutes

Summary: Marie Forleo Ideas

The Truth about Success: Is it Possible to Achieve it Later in Life? 

  • 💡 Deadlines are effective tools to help us perform better and get things done.
  • 💡 When there is no external project deadline, you need to ask yourself what is most important at this stage of your life: completing the project or experiencing the joy of allowing the project to unfold.
  • 💡 Once you make a choice, be at peace with it, and don’t torture yourself with the alternative.
  • 💡 If completing the project is most important, create a realistic deadline and use the science-backed tools and practices learned in the Time Genius program to hit the deadline with as much freedom and joy as possible.
  • 💡 If experiencing the joy of allowing the project to unfold is most important, give yourself permission to do so and avoid feeling behind or stressed.

Video 3

Do You Have a DREAM Business or a SCREAM Business? Find Out Now

Dream Business Bootcamp and achieve success without overworking!

Join the Dream Business Bootcamp and achieve success without overworking! Take part in the free 3-day challenge now and win over $20k in prizes at

Do You Have a DREAM Business or a SCREAM Business? Find Out Now

Video Duration: 11 Minutes

Summary: Marie Forleo Online Training Program

The Truth about Success: Is it Possible to Achieve it Later in Life? 

  • 💼 Marie Forleo announces the redesign of her flagship online training program, B-School, which has already helped over 80,000 business owners start and grow their businesses. 
  • 🎉 To celebrate the new version of B-School, Marie is hosting a free three-day challenge called Dream Business Bootcamp, which teaches entrepreneurs how to create a Dream Business that provides prosperity, freedom, and happiness.
  • 🤝 The Dream Business Bootcamp is open to anyone, regardless of whether or not they are a B-Schooler.
  • 💻 Many entrepreneurs are stuck in a “Scream Business” category, where they feel like they are constantly struggling with time, money, and technology, but Marie believes it is possible for every entrepreneur to have a Dream Business if they follow the right strategies and have a clear vision and intention.

Video 4

Young Forever: Dr. Mark Hyman’s Secrets to a Long HEALTHY Life

Discover Dr. Mark Hyman’s secrets for a long and healthy life, free from the degeneration and disease associated with normal aging, on Marie Forleo’s YouTube channel.

Young Forever: Dr. Mark Hyman’s Secrets to a Long HEALTHY Life

Video Duration: 46 Minutes

Summary: Marie Forleo Interview with Dr. Mark Hyman’s

Young Forever: Dr. Mark Hyman’s Secrets to a Long HEALTHY Life

  • 📙 Dr. Mark Hyman is a practicing family physician and an internationally recognized leader in the field of functional medicine.
  • 📙 Dr. Hyman is the founder and director of the Ultra Wellness Center, Senior advisor for the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine, and a 14-time New York Times best-selling author.
  • 📙 Dr. Hyman’s latest book is “Young Forever: The Secrets to Living Your Longest Healthiest Life,” which focuses on the science of longevity and functional medicine.
  • 📙 The book offers a roadmap for people to follow to activate all their innate healing systems and their longevity switches.
  • 📙 The science of longevity is changing rapidly, and doctors are not in the flow of this new science.
  • 📙 By combining the science of longevity with the science of functional medicine, Dr. Hyman aims to create a roadmap for people to follow to live their healthiest lives.
  • 🧬 Dr. Hyman emphasizes the importance of optimizing the pathways that regulate the hallmarks of aging to extend life by 20-40 years and to have a healthy life.
  • 🧬 The factors that contribute to healthy aging are environmental toxins, chronic stress, and core things that can be optimized.
  • 🧬 Our genes are fixed, but the genes that are expressed in our book of life, which genes are turned on and off, genes of health or disease, are modifiable through the epigenome.
  • 🧬 The epigenome is controlled by what we eat, what we think, how we move, stress, environmental toxins, and our microbiome.
  • 🧬 Dr. Hyman is fitter at 63 than he was when he was 40 or 30, and he attributes it to a short routine that activates healing pathways in his body, which includes a sprint workout, a band workout, sauna or ice bath, and a healthy aging shake.
  • 🍭 Sugar and starch load drives the pathways that cause aging and longevity-related diseases like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, dementia, loss of muscle, infertility, depression, acne, and hormonal alterations.
  • 🚫 To achieve longevity and a healthy life, it is essential to reduce starch and sugar intake, which leads to belly fat, a prime cause of aging and disease.
  • 🧬 Native Americans, Pacific Islanders, Samoans, Indians, Asians, and African-Americans are more prone to store belly fat with any given sugar load.
  • 💪 Increasing metabolic health can reduce starch and sugar levels by incorporating phytochemicals, high-quality fruits and vegetables, the right kind of protein, and good fats while exercising regularly with cardio, strength, and resistance training.
  • 🍕 The speaker, Dr. Mark Hyman, shares his personal experience of maintaining body composition by reducing sugar and starch intake and increasing exercise at 63 years of age.
  • 🍕 Gluten sensitivity can cause stress, headaches, and congestion, as experienced by the speaker when she ate a regular pizza.
  • 🍚 The speaker asks for advice on consuming Sushi, brown rice, and vegetables as alternatives to white rice and starch.
  • 🧪 Hyman shares information about filtering the blood and plasma exchange as methods to reduce the effects of rapid aging caused by certain substances in old blood. He experimented with plasma exchange, which improved his arthritis and made him feel great.
  • 🥤 The healthy aging shake Hyman recommends is made of clean, plant-based protein powder, goat whey protein powder, urolithin A, gut food, and creatine. Frozen blueberries or strawberries and macadamia or cashew milk are also added. He explains the benefits of each ingredient: goat whey protein increases muscle mass, urolithin A renews mitochondria and increases fitness levels, gut food keeps the gut healthy, and creatine helps build muscle.

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Video 5

3 Reasons Your Business Isn’t Making Money — and How to Fix it NOW

Discover the 3 common profitability mistakes holding back your business growth. Fix them now and start making real money. Join Marie Forleo’s Dream Business Bootcamp for free!

3 Reasons Your Business Isn’t Making Money — and How to Fix it NOW

Video Duration: 9 Minutes

Summary: Marie Forleo listed key reasons of faliure

3 Reasons Your Business Isn’t Making Money — and How to Fix it NOW

  • 💼 The speaker, Marie Forleo, receives a question from an artist in Athens, Georgia, who has been in business full-time for ten years but has yet to make a profit.
  • 💰 Forleo highlights that many small business owners struggle with profitability, even if they work hard and have good intentions.
  • 📉 Forleo explains the concept of a “scream business,” which is a business that is not working for the owner and is characterized by chaos, exhaustion, and lack of reward.
  • 🌟 In contrast, a “dream business” provides dependable, reliable income and is energizing, rewarding, and makes a difference to the owner and their audience.
  • 📈 Forleo offers a free program called “The Dream Business Bootcamp” that provides training and a scorecard assessment to help business owners transform their business into a dream business.
  • 🤝 Forleo emphasizes the importance of focusing on the right market, having a clear message, and providing excellent customer service as the top three profitability mistakes that small business owners make.

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Video 6

Success and Love — How to Have it ALL

Discover the secret to achieving success and love with Marie Forleo. Overcome limiting beliefs and fears to achieve your full potential. Don’t miss out on B-School – enroll now.

Success and Love — How to Have it ALL

Video Duration: 9 Minutes

Summary: Marie Forleo comments

Success and Love — How to Have it ALL

  • 💭 Marie shares a limiting belief she had that held her back from both success and love.
  • 💭 The limiting belief was that increasing her success would destroy her relationship with her partner.
  • 💭 Marie encourages the audience to identify their own limiting beliefs by writing them down and facing them.
  • 💭 The second step is to get curious and question whether the belief is based in fact or just one possibility among many.
  • 💭 The third step is to test the opposite of the limiting belief to see if it could be more true, which can lead to an opening of the heart and a release of the limiting belief. 
  • 💭 Marie shares that the more successful she became, the more resources she had to invest

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Video 7

The Secret to Achieving Your BIGGEST Dream Even When It Feels Impossible

Are you ready to achieve your impossible dreams? Marie Forleo shares her secret in this must-watch YouTube video. Get motivated and start living your best life! 

#Motivation #Dream

The Secret to Achieving Your BIGGEST Dream Even When It Feels Impossible

Video Duration: 10 Minutes

Summary: Marie Forleo how to make your dream come true.

The Secret to Achieving Your BIGGEST Dream Even When It Feels Impossible

  • 💭 Marie Forleo asks the audience about their biggest dream and emphasizes the importance of admitting it to oneself.
  • 🧭 Admitting one’s biggest dream is the first step to achieving it.
  • 💻 Starting an online business was the vehicle that helped Marie achieve her freedom-based dreams.
  • 🤔 People often feel like they don’t have what it takes to achieve their dreams, but a story about a woman from Mongolia shows that it’s possible to succeed even with limited resources.
  • 🌍 The woman from Mongolia managed to pursue her dreams by taking online courses despite living in a remote area with limited opportunities.

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Video 8

Take Control of Your Mind & Manifest Your Dreams | Dr Joe Dispenza and Marie Forleo

Take Control of Your Mind & Manifest Your Dreams – Learn how to transform your life with Dr. Joe Dispenza and Marie Forleo. Discover how to create your own reality and achieve better mental well-being, relationships, and health.

Take Control of Your Mind & Manifest Your Dreams | Dr Joe Dispenza and Marie Forleo

Video Duration: 52 Minutes

Summary: Conversation between Dr. Joe Dispenza and Marie Forleo.

Take Control of Your Mind & Manifest Your Dreams | Dr Joe Dispenza and Marie Forleo

  • [👋] The video is a conversation between Dr. Joe Dispenza and Marie Forleo.
  • [💼] The conversation covers Dr. Joe’s work, business, and brand.
  • [💡] Dr. Joe had a life-changing experience in 1986 that led him to study spontaneous remissions and the mind-body connection.
  • [🧠] Dr. Joe talks about the importance of not letting negative thoughts slip by our awareness and making contact with the intelligence within us.
  • [🌟] The conversation aims to provide insight on how to navigate having business ambitions, integrity, and personal life while making an impact.
  • 💡 The speaker is discussing a model of understanding of 18,000 brain scans, thousands of HRV measurements, gene testing, telomere testing, immune regulation, and metabolites to see if a person’s subjective experience can be calibrated objectively.
  • 💡 Science has become the contemporary language to demystify the transformation process, and it creates community.
  • 💡 People want to use science to communicate with their patients in terms of science.
  • 💡 Spontaneous remissions brought the speaker to an understanding that we need to move from one state of mind to another.
  • 💡 We have to unlearn and relearn, break the habit of the old self, and reinvent the new self to transform our body, mental well-being, relationships, etc.
  • 💡 The science then became the practical tools that can be spoken with a lot more certainty.
  • 💡 The speaker believes that the greatest relationship that one could ever have is with oneself and that taking time to be in the presence of oneself and answering important questions is essential.
  • 💡 The speaker had to pause and reassess his life after experiencing external success, realizing that he wasn’t living the work, and felt disturbed by the gap between the way he appeared and the way he really
  • 🤔 Dr. Joe Dispenza shares a story about a woman who grew her thyroid back, which he initially did not believe until he saw the scans himself.
  • 🙏 Dr. Joe Dispenza speaks about his mission to transform individuals and the world by reminding himself of his purpose every day and making hard decisions.
  • 💼 Marie Forleo asks Dr. Joe Dispenza about the challenges he faced in evolving and growing his craft, leading a team, and achieving the mission, to which he answers that he is not afraid to fail and sees it as an opportunity to do better. He also stresses the importance of competence, accountability, and having a shared mission, vision, and passion to build a great team.
  • 💪 Dr. Joe Dispenza talks about the different forms of motivation, with mission motivation being the highest and money motivation being the lowest. He believes that following the sequence of motivations will lead to money as a side effect
  • 🎯 Dr. Joe Dispenza talks about his community and how they prove to themselves how powerful they really are.
  • 🎯 He mentions the joy he feels when people from the community stand on the stage and share their success stories of overcoming challenges.
  • 🎯 Dr. Joe Dispenza expresses admiration for people who continue to do the work and see the novelty of coincidences, synchronicities, and opportunities showing up in their lives. 
  • 🎯 He highlights the importance of overcoming obstacles and doubts to transform the body, health, mental well-being, relationships, and reality.
  • 🎯 Dr. Joe Dispenza emphasizes the significance of community, where people begin to make changes in consciousness and become aware of new possibilities, resulting in a change in consciousness.
  • 🎯 He also notes that his events do not have a VIP seating model or an ascension model, setting them apart from other similar events.
  • 🧬 The speaker’s team of scientists was initially skeptical about meditation as medicine, but now see its benefits for self-regulation and personal health.
  • 🌡️ The speaker aims to change the conversation in healthcare to emphasize the importance of personal involvement in one’s own health and well-being.
  • 🧠 The speaker believes that people can change their internal state without relying on anything external, and that external interventions can enhance the outcome.
  • 🧪 The speaker’s team is using advanced scientific techniques like functional PET scans and analyzing tears to better understand the effects of meditation.
  • 🙏 The speaker believes that a balance between science and spirituality can lead to amazing outcomes and testimonials.
  • 💭 The speaker encourages viewers to reflect on their own insights and takeaways from the conversation.
  • 🎙️ The video ends with a call to action to subscribe to the channel or podcast and to keep pursuing one’s big dreams, even in the face of massive resistance.

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Video 9

What Rich People Teach Their Kids About Money with Daymond John

Learn what rich people teach their kids about money from Daymond John on Marie Forleo’s YouTube channel. Your kids may not learn financial literacy in school.

#Money #MarieForleo #DaymondJohn

What Rich People Teach Their Kids About Money with Daymond John

Video Duration: 37 Mins

Summary: Marie Forleo Interview with Daymond John KeyPoints  

What Rich People Teach Their Kids About Money with Daymond John

  • 💼 Damon John sees teaching financial literacy to kids as his legacy.
  • 💼 Damon John is the CEO and founder of FUBU and star on ABC’s Emmy award-winning TV show Shark Tank.
  • 💼 Damon John’s first children’s book, “Little Damon and Learns to Earn” is available wherever books are sold.
  • 💼 Marie Forleo bought a couple of hundred books of Damon John’s first children’s book and donated them.
  • 💼 Money influences every single part of our lives which is why it is important to talk about it not only as adults but with our kids.
  • 💼 A study commissioned by Chase found that 59% of adults are uncomfortable talking to their kids about money and 82% are looking for more resources to help teach their kids about good financial habits.
  • 💼 Damon John’s book “Little Damon and Learns to Earn” is designed to help kids and their parents talk about money, get better with money, and have a healthier relationship with money.
  • 💼 Damon John believes in meeting customers where they are at, and he often wears a hat when he talks to children to make them more interested in what he has to say
  • 💰 Damon John talks about how he teaches his godson about entrepreneurship and financial literacy at a young age, using superhero stories to inspire and instill the idea of creating a company with friends.
  • 📚 He emphasizes the importance of reading books with your children and encouraging them to dream big, without limiting them with doubts.
  • 💻 John talks about the importance of adapting to the changing times and developing new skills for future job titles that do not exist yet, as many college graduates retire with job titles that did not exist when they started college.
  • 💸 Financial intelligence and education are essential for everyone, as money affects all aspects of life, including poor nutrition and domestic violence, which are often related to financial difficulties.
  • 📖 John has written a book called “Little Money Monsters: Learn to Save, Spend, and Give” to teach children about financial literacy, and encourages parents to read the book with their children to help them develop financial skills.
  • 💰 “The one, two, three framework”: Daymond John explains that whenever money comes in, the first dollar should go to what you have to pay for to live; the second dollar goes to an investment, which can be a new business, Amazon, real estate, or education; the third dollar goes for what you would like to have but do not have to have. If you don’t spend all that, you go back to number two. 
  • 🧒 “Teaching financial literacy to children”: Daymond John suggests teaching children the one, two, three framework at an early age so that it becomes a way of life. He also shares an example of when he taught his stepson about compound interest and the power of investing.
  • 💳 “Credit cards and loans”: Daymond John cautions against spending too much on the third dollar because it can lead to overspending and reliance on loans or high-interest credit cards to pay off debt.
  • 💼 “Investments”: Daymond John explains that putting money in the bank may be a habit, but it can yield lower returns than investing in other opportunities, such as stocks, that have higher potential returns.
  • 💸 “Saving money and taxes”: Daymond John shares that most billionaires he knows constantly look for ways to save money on taxes, such as taking advantage of tax codes and buyers of things. By doing so, they can retain more of their wealth and life energy.
  • 💰 Teaching financial literacy to children is important, but it is often not taught in schools.
  • 💰 Parents can teach their children about money through simple activities, such as selling items and understanding profits.
  • 💰 Teaching children about money can help them understand the concept of freedom buying and the importance of giving to charity or Tides.
  • 💰 The conversation was about money and entrepreneurship, and finding actionable ways to teach children.
  • 💰 The audience is encouraged to leave a comment about the single biggest insight they gained from the conversation and how they plan to put it into action.

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Matthew McConaughey’s Success Tips Will Change Your Life

Discover the secret to creating massive success on your own terms with Matthew McConaughey on MarieTV. Get in rhythm with life and find your frequency with the iconic actor.

#MatthewMcconaughey #MarieTV #MarieForleo

Marie Forleo Interview with Matthew McConaughey’s Sharing Success Tips

Video Duration: 1 Hour 10 Mins

Summary: Marie Forleo Interview with Matthew McConaughey’s Sharing Success Tips

Matthew McConaughey’s Success Tips Will Change Your Life

  • 💡 Matthew McConaughey shares the truth that came to him in bed, telling him to stay on track vertically and horizontally and trust that when it gets loud and wobbly, he shouldn’t negotiate, but stick with it.
  • 💼 Marie Forleo introduces Academy award-winning actor and New York Times best-selling author Matthew McConaughey on her podcast, highlighting his accomplishments and congratulating him on his book’s success.
  • 📚 Matthew McConaughey explains that his book “Greenlights” is based on his 35-year journaling habit, where he discovered themes, habits, and choices that led to his successes and failures, which he calls the science of satisfaction and mystical green lights. 
  • 🟢 A green light, according to McConaughey, is a choice that engineers the science of satisfaction or a mystical green light that has no reason but has rhyme, leading to opportunities and successes beyond one’s control.
  • 🌟 McConaughey believes that one can get to the art of living through the science of satisfaction by engineering green lights for oneself and being open to mystical green lights, putting oneself in the right place to find them. 
  • 🎉 McConaughey and Marie Forleo invite viewers to their upcoming live event, “The Art of Living,” and promise.
  • 💡 Matthew McConaughey shares his secret to finding your frequency and getting in rhythm with life in MarieTV.
  • 🧭 To navigate life well, we need to get relative with the inevitable and choose between persisting, pivoting, or conceding.
  • 💪 We need to get relative with the inevitable when we deem a situation inevitable and start making an upside of what could be perceived as a crisis.
  • 🚪 Persistence means banging our head on the door, while pivoting means finding the key to unlock the door.
  • 🎨 Timing is key in deciding when to deem a situation inevitable.
  • 💡 Everything is figureoutable, but it doesn’t mean that we need to figure it out, and sometimes figuring out looks like walking away from it and having the wisdom to say, “I did this as far as it can go, and now my life energy is better spent moving on to the next adventure.”
  • 🧭 McConaughey talks about finding what you really want in life and prioritizing accordingly.
  • 🎓 Fear of losing significance and identity when something else becomes a priority.
  • 🤝 Having a partner who supports and encourages you to pursue your passion.
  • 📝 Being obsessed with something and having a singular focus on it can bring great pleasure and freedom.
  • 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Building equity with family and preparing for singular focus times.
  • 🤣 McConaughey shares a story about stinky fingers and itchy butts that made him laugh.
  • 💡 McConaughey had a sense of faith and inner guidance that he was tapped into during his life.
  • 🎬 McConaughey was known for his roles in romantic comedies, but he wanted to take on more challenging dramatic roles.
  • 🚫 Hollywood was hesitant to cast McConaughey in these dramatic roles and told him to stay in his lane.
  • 📉 McConaughey decided to quit doing rom-coms and move to Texas with his wife, telling his agent to not even send him scripts for them anymore.
  • 💸 McConaughey’s agent was initially hesitant about the decision, but ultimately supported him and respected his choices.
  • 🤔 McConaughey’s decision to quit doing rom-coms was met with skepticism from his family, but he felt it was the right choice.
  • 💡 Negotiating non-negotiables: McConaughey emphasizes the importance of giving ourselves non-negotiables in life, which helps with navigation during hard times and prevents us from giving up. Non-negotiables provide a sense of freedom and help us stay committed to our values.
  • 🗝️ Freedom and responsibility: According to McConaughey, freedom without responsibility leads to chaos and anarchy, as it lacks form and meaning. Responsibility, on the other hand, brings meaning and connects one thing to another. Taking responsibility provides freedom and allows us to care for and give value to the things we care about.
  • 🎭 Preparation and freedom: McConaughey says that taking responsibility for one’s work or vocation allows them to be free when they are in the moment. When you have done the preparation work, you can be free and play the scene with no constraints. Responsibility provides freedom.
  • 📅 Matthew McConaughey announces an upcoming event on April 24th, where he will be joined by Tony Robbins, Dean Graziosi, and Trent Shelton.
  • 🚦 The event will focus on McConaughey’s “Green Lights” approach, which will explore how to handle red, yellow, and green lights in life.
  • 🧰 The event aims to equip attendees with practical tools for making the right decisions in life.
  • 🎟️ The event is free and can be accessed through a special link available on Marie’s website.
  • 💚 McConaughey encourages attendees to make the most of the good times in life without becoming victims of success.

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Video 11

Want more SALES, Likes & Leads? Do this now

Meta Description: Want to quadruple your business or even 15x your sales? Join The Copy Cure now and learn Marie Forleo’s favorite marketing strategy with a 100% money-back guarantee.

#MarieTV #MarieForleo #FactsTellStoriesSell

Want more SALES, Likes & Leads? Do this now

Video Duration: 7 Mins

Summary: Marie Forleo recommendations to increase sales, likes & leads

Want more SALES, Likes & Leads? Do this now

  • 💬 Marie Forleo talks about her favorite marketing strategy that can help people get more responses, social media likes, and increase their sales.
  • 💬 The strategy she mentions is “facts tell stories sell,” which means that storytelling is the key to successful marketing.
  • 💬 She gives three reasons why storytelling is essential in marketing:
    •    💰 Stories create trust, which is the foundation of sales
    •    💰 Stories help sell at a premium, making customers willing to pay more for a product or service.
    •    💰 Stories help businesses stand out in a crowded marketplace.
  • 💬 She gives examples of three of her Copy Cure students who were able to significantly increase their sales through storytelling techniques.
  • 💬 The Copy Cure is a writing program that teaches how to use stories to sell effectively.

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Video 12

2 Questions to Find Your Purpose in Life | Lynne Twist & Marie Forleo

Discover your purpose in life and make an impact that matters with “2 Questions to Find Your Purpose in Life” featuring Lynne Twist and Marie Forleo. Learn how to overcome the toxic lies of not enoughness, move towards abundance, and uncover your life’s purpose with Lynne’s expert advice.

#MarieForleo #FindYourPurpose

Video Duration: 1 Hour 8 Mins

Summary: Marie Forleo & Lynne Twist tips to find Your Purpose in Life

2 Questions to Find Your Purpose in Life | Lynne Twist & Marie Forleo

  • 💭 Lynne Twist believes that every individual has an innate uniqueness and something to bring to the world. She emphasizes that taking a stand or making a commitment is not something you can check off and accomplish but rather a contribution that is larger than your own life. 
  • 💡 Lynne Twist’s latest book is called “Living a Committed Life: Finding Freedom and Fulfillment in a Purpose Larger Than Yourself”. She is also the author of the best-selling book “The Soul of Money” and founder of The Soul of Money Institute. 
  • 🌟 According to Lynne Twist, ordinary people can become extraordinary when they take a stand for something larger than themselves. She cites her involvement with The Hunger Project as an example. The Hunger Project was the first organization to commit to ending world hunger, and this bold and powerful idea transformed her life. 
  • 🧠 Lynne Twist was deeply inspired by Buckminster Fuller, who believed that one little individual could make a positive difference that would transform the world. Fuller’s experiment in life was to make a difference that would impact all of humanity positively. 
  • 🌎 Lynne Twist warns that the mindset of scarcity can become a significant challenge when seeking a life of commitment. She believes that the fundamental misconception of scarcity on this abundant planet can lead to a scarcity mindset.
  • 💰 Our society is heavily focused on consumerism, with storage and waste being two of the fastest-growing industries in the world.
  • 💸 The more is better culture has shifted our identities from citizens (those responsible for the well-being of the community, state, and world) to consumers (those who take, deplete, diminish, or destroy).
  • 💭 The third toxic myth is that “that’s just the way it is.” It is a way of thinking that holds the whole structure in place, leading to resignation, depression, obesity, and over-indulgence. It is a way of seeing the world that has us by the throat.
  • 🍩 Kate Rayworth’s Donut Economics is a brilliant notion of shifting our current economic model from “GDP should always go up” to a very simple donut.
  • 💰💸💭🍩 Our society’s focus on consumerism, the more is better culture, and “that’s just the way it is” are toxic myths that need to be addressed to move toward a more sustainable and equitable world.
  • 🙏 Meeting Mother Teresa was a profound experience for Lynne Twist, teaching her to see the world in a new way and recognize the power of enoughness over scarcity.
  • 📷 Lynne Twist shares a story about a meeting with Mother Teresa where she learned a lesson about compassion and widening her circle of compassion to include even the rude and the entitled
  • 🎙️ Lynne Twist learned from Buckminster Fuller that there is enough for everyone everywhere to have a healthy and productive life, and she started to see the enoughness in everything, even in places where people were suffering.
  • 🔄 Lynne Twist makes a distinction between sufficiency and abundance, and how sufficiency is about being content with what you have, while abundance is about having more than what you need.
  • 🌍 Indigenous people protect life and work with modern people in the Pacha Mama Alliance to create an environmentally sustainable, spiritually fulfilling, and socially just human presence on Earth.
  • 🦉 Lynne Twist had a mystical experience during a ceremony with a shaman in Guatemala. She heard the shaman’s voice enter her body and felt like she had wings and a beak. She could fly slowly up into the sky, seeing the stars and feeling like she had access to universal knowledge.
  • 🌎 Lynne Twist shares her experience of being called by destiny after encountering the Achuar people of the Amazon rainforest in South America, which led to the creation of the Pachamama Alliance and a commitment to ending world hunger. 
  • 🙏 Lynne Twist had to navigate winding down her participation in the Hunger Project and committing to Pachamama, which was challenging due to her strong sense of commitment and integrity. 
  • 🌴 The experience of being sick with malaria for nine months provided Twist with a gift of quiet time to reflect on her purpose and realize that working in the Amazon was necessary to get in front of the coming problem of deforestation and the transformation of the human family. 
  • 🔍 This realization allowed Twist to create a context that included the Pachamama Alliance as part of her commitment to ending world hunger and creating the transformation of the human family.

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